Until today, we had never before sent the same email to subscribers of The Off Ramp and of Threads by Nomad. You may recall, however, that Threads by Nomad has been a subsidiary of The Off Ramp since early 2019 and the news we have to share with you affects both entities.
As it has for everyone else, the pandemic has brought with it difficulties and challenges for us. Back in March, we pivoted quickly to making face masks for more vulnerable individuals and groups—a project that was supported by non-profit and Texas state organizations. But that project ran its course and access to masks is much more common now.
Without in-person events, we no longer have the sales to support full-time and part-time staff. And seeing as we are still unable to source fabric due to shipping and production restrictions, we don't even have the raw materials to sustain work. Furthermore, we haven't been able to keep our studio and office open consistently and therefore access to our equipment is limited. To stay afloat, our business model has had to evolve pretty significantly.
And then, this: due to restructuring changes within the organization for which she works, Nell (who oversees the studio and office in Houston) is relocating permanently to the east coast. She and her husband, Butch, will leave Houston on October 29 and move to South Carolina to be nearer family.
What does this mean for The Off Ramp and Threads by Nomad? We will relocate both entities to South Carolina as well and they will continue uninterrupted! We will continue to undergird efforts to help displaced people thrive. We will continue to come alongside partners and artisans as they work towards economic security and decrease the risk of displacement. We will not be able to do some of our custom items for a time until we are re-established on the east coast but everything else will continue.
We are already working on two potential holiday events for Threads by Nomad—one in South Carolina and one in the DC area (both small and socially distanced)—as well as a Giving Tuesday auction for The Off Ramp. Nell and Christen will be able to collaborate more closely and their proximity means they'll be able to execute more of their ideas!
Of the people we've told thus far, they all have wanted to know one thing: What about Haydar? We are devastated to be leaving our head tailor, especially as he is still caring for his wife who was recently diagnosed with cancer. The Off Ramp was able to offer him crisis relief assistance for rent and medical bills. Nell helped him complete his unemployment papers and has ensured he is enrolled in the program. And he had an interview a couple of days ago! We will continue to check in with him and support him in any way we can. He was very sad when we shared the news with him but above he is pictured with Nell and Butch as the three of them packed up the studio and office spaces yesterday. He is family and we would never abandon family.
These recent events transpired very quickly. Our time in Houston has been fruitful and blessed. We are very grateful for our friends and partners. But we are also very excited about this next step for The Off Ramp and Threads by Nomad. Many details fell into place and we have a sense of joy and peace as we transition. We are grateful beyond words for your love, care, friendship, encouragement, prayers and support.
With abundant gratitude,
Nell and Christen