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  • Nell Green

When crisis follows crisis...

An often overlooked consequence of the pandemic is the plight of refugees across the globe. Many more of them are in need of emergency assistance and crisis intervention.

At The Off Ramp, we typically offer crisis intervention services and then begin to look to more sustainable avenues of helping refugees thrive. Sometimes, however, one crisis follows another and additional support is needed.

This has been the case for Haydar, the longtime head tailor at Threads by Nomad which is the fundraising arm for The Off Ramp. His two oldest sons are without jobs. Our face mask project helped them get through July but as August approached Haydar's hours were cut significantly due to the loss of our events and the inability to source materials.

Then, they learned that his wife Zeynab has leukemia. Mounting medical bills and less work have compounded the crisis of the past few months. We have been working to get Zeynab into a public hospital where costs will be considerably less but have not succeeded yet in making that happen.

As we have come alongside this family to help in tangible ways, we also recognized a need to establish an emergency relief fund for refugees experiencing insurmountable obstacles to economic security during this time of global crisis.

We have established this emergency relief fund through our non-profit, The Off Ramp. It will be used to help families like Haydar's when faced with overwhelming need. If you would like to contribute to this fund, donations can be made here and designated "Emergency Relief Fund."

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