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The Off Ramp's New Year Resolutions

Christen Kinard

The Lupton Center is all about transformation.

They help organizations like ours understand asset-based reform and empower them to bring about lasting change in their communities and areas of work. They work at helping to rethink poverty. They support organizations as they strategize keeping an eye out for hidden forces that may be preventing an organization from being the most effective.

For several months, The Off Ramp has been working with the Lupton Center in order that we might have the greatest positive and sustainable impact.

Last fall, we asked some of our donors (you!) to fill out a survey. A word of thanks: We were truly pleased with the number of you that responded. We took this as an enthusiastic affirmation for the work we are doing! So, thank you!

Since then, Nell has been working with a coach and Lupton Center experts to take the results of the survey and map out a plan for the coming months. As a brief overview be watching for these initiatives, essentially our New Year's resolutions:

- We will work towards a reorganization and standardization of processes that include more specific goals and benchmarks for each project. Even as we do so we will respect the uniqueness of each participant or project and allow for individuality.

- Our desire is that there is an inclusion of participants—those we serve, those who were forcibly displaced or in danger of displacement—in leadership roles. Mentoring, serving in advisory roles, or board membership are all possibilities.

- The third area we want to improve in concerns you—those who support and encourage us. You indicated in the survey a desire to better understand the challenges of those who are displaced, the pathways out of poverty that are available to them and the impact The Off Ramp has on their lives and communities. We will be working hard to tell more of these stories and to share them on social media and on our podcast.

In fact, go ahead and subscribe to our podcast as we have an interview with one of our project participants JoAnne Mwosana in Uganda coming out in a few days. She tells the story behind the very popular wrap skirts that sold out in two days last fall!

As we continue along this path, as we work to become better, we will keep you informed of our progress. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Thank you for being change makers.

2021 may have gotten off to a rough start (and, yes, that is an understatement) but we still have hope in and are excited for the future!

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