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Meet "MG"— In her own words

Nell Green

A few words on Faith Trade

October is the month set aside to recognize and promote fair trade. Fair trade processes work toward fair wages for the industry and geographical context, fair working conditions, and fair pricing. Any form of exploitation is removed when fair trade is practiced. Since our beginning we have promoted fair trade. Yes, it costs more. While we can perhaps purchase something for very little, someone along the way paid for it in other ways. This is why we choose to invest our efforts in supporting those who desire to produce quality products in a fair and safe environment.

A longtime partnership in Uganda

Threads by Nomad and The Off Ramp have had an ongoing relationship with Sewing for Hope for a few years now. Sewing for Hope is a part of Refuge and Hope International, a non-profit that serves refugees in the urban area of Kampala, Uganda. We love that Refuge and Hope’s programs such as Sewing for Hope honor the dignity of every individual in providing educational and entrepreneurial opportunities.

In the beginning, the partnership with Sewing for Hope focused on mentoring and skill development. In February, Nell made a trip to Uganda to meet and work the team in person. Until then she only knew them via Zoom meetings. What a trip and what a time we had! There was work, laughter, visioning, sharing of thoughts and hearts, etc.

Meet Mary Gorety "MG"

A particular joy was meeting and getting to know Mary Gorety (MG). MG had just taken the role of Coordinator for Business Programs at Refuge and Hope. While there and in the weeks following, it became apparent that MG wanted and needed to better understand the sewing skills necessary in creating marketable products. To that end, The Off Ramp has provided a scholarship grant for MG to complete several months of training in tailoring. We wanted you, our followers to get to know this delightful, fun, amazing woman. We asked MG a few questions about herself. Thank you for your support that allows us to come alongside women like MG.

Where are you from?

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Rev. Nell Green, Off Ramp and Threads by Nomad for granting me this scholarship offer. To me this is just more than a grant and scholarship but love beyond measure. My name is Mary Gorety (MG) a Ugandan by Nationality. I come from the far Eastern Part of Uganda to be particularly an Itesot by tribe. I am passionate about a woman and putting a smile on the woman’s face through Skilling. How long have you been with Refuge and Hope? I have been with Refuge and Hope for a period of three years. I joined Refuge and Hope on 6th of January 2020. I started as an ESL class teacher, got promoted to an administrator. In 2023, I was given the opportunity to serve as the Coordinator Hope Unlimited Businesses which include Sewing for Hope where I have served so far for a period of seven months.

What have been the benefits of a partnership with The Off Ramp and Threads by Nomad?

Partnering with The Off Ramp and Threads by Nomad has given me first and foremost the opportunity to go back to school and up my tailoring/ fashion and design skills. This is a great achievement for me as an individual and the organization at large.

Secondly it has helped to create visibility for Sewing for Hope internationally. The advice and the constructive feedback given has grown the Sewing for Hope team/Ladies and empowered them to serve the community both locally and internationally better.

The Nell’s pricing model has been one of the greatest tools ever given for Sewing for Hope, the ladies are now in position to give the right prices and cost the items well without cheating the client, themselves and Sewing for Hope as a whole.

When we talk about the Tailor's presser Steam iron, this has helped to put Sewing for Hope a class apart. The off Ramp and threads by Nomad has given us a wide range of Visibility as Sewing for Hope through the items taken to the market that is the General Assembly for Sale, every time products are sold feedback has been given by Nell how our items and products have done well at the market, this gives a wide range of fulfillment and satisfaction to the team and even desire to improve in construction. By far and large this is one of the greatest partnerships ever.

What do you hope to gain from this course and how do you see it benefiting the future of Sewing for Hope?

I really hope to gain a lot from this tailoring/ fashion and design course. This is going to help me to attain the technical skills required for carrying out proper quality control measures. I expect to learn skills like different types of seams to be used in different clothing materials and fabric, color blends, proper finishing Techniques, right measurements and steps taken in measuring different clothing, selection of material / fabric and proper setup of a workshop and layout , and customer care techniques as well. There is a wide range of skills to mention but a few.

Currently on the Threads by Nomad website, you can find wrap skirts, pants, and jumpsuits made by Sewing for Hope.

Purchasing items such as these supports fair trade practices and invests in the lives of women like MG.

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