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  • Nell Green

a note from nell: on everything else that's happening

Yes, things definitely are different and we are doing things in different ways. Nonetheless, we continue to address the needs of the displaced. 

"Ready for School" has been a joy since we began the program a couple of years ago. (We provide a Ready for School program for preschool children in an apartment complex that is home to refugee families from around the world.) We have also taught English as a Second Language since our careers began over 30 years ago. When the new stay-at-home and social distancing rules came out, we knew they would confuse our refugee friends who would find them strange and awkward. We wanted to help them through this time and you helped make it possible! Thank you, Change-makers! 

Normally at this time of year, we make up food baskets for 50 newly arrived refugee families. We gather a team to put the baskets together and deliver them. Obviously this year that was not possible. So we made an Amazon wish list of learning toys and activities as well as some fun items for families. Many of you purchased these items for us! We procured canned and dry goods then delivered 10 baskets to our most vulnerable families and to our Ready for School participants. The joy on faces uplifted us! We wore masks and gloves, sanitized and maintained distance. It was hard for our friends. They were so grateful and so happy. They desperately wanted to hug and share a cup of tea with us. Next time! Meanwhile, we could not be more grateful that you made this possible.

Sadly, just because there is a pandemic, human trafficking does not "shelter in place." We wondered how we could possibly continue to address the issue when we cannot be out and about to join with other abolitionists in the fight. We are grateful for our partners at theCoalition to Combat Human Traffickingwho had the idea of making snack bags for our truck and delivery drivers as they are working especially hard right now. They are also the eyes and the ears who can say something if they see something. In each bag was information about human trafficking and the steps to take if they see or hear anything. Thank you CCHT for the opportunity to join you in this outreach. 

Finally, we are working on a new free PDF to send out to all of our subscribers. In it, we will share with you ways that you can help those who are displaced even while sheltering in place!

We are grateful to each and every one of you for helping us in this work.

Blessings of health and safety to all of you,


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